Wednesday 17 August 2011

        All humans are not equal. People are different in many ways such as their ethnicity, belief or religion. According to their difference, there are many disagreements between these groups of people. If we review our history , there were many conflicts. Some conflict may small. Some conflict may big. But we can exactly say that all conflict bring only disadvantages to the people. Conflict are usually seen in those who have different ethnicities and believes.
       Ethnic conflict bring many disadvantages and sometimes bring inhumanity. Rwanda genocide is caused between Hutu and Tutsi people. These two races have same religion and live in the same country. In 1994 , the plane which carry Hutu president was destroyed by Tutsi. They declare to kill all Hutu in Rwanda. So , the conflict between Hutu and Tutsi started. They killed each others cruelly. They even putting to death the children. A lot of people moved from their home. A lot of people lost their family. It took about 100 days and deaths are between 500,000 and 1,000,000 , about 10% country population. These are the result of conflict. Another example is 6 million of Jews were killed by Nazi in World War II. Some Jews were killed with fire, some were with poisonous gas and some were as human subjects in research.
        Within previous few centuries, most of conflicts were caused by the people who have different believes. For example, people in North Korea and South Korea have same language, same ethnicity and same culture. They lived in same land together since over thousand years ago. But their believes divided their country into two parts. People from northern part wanted to build a communist society and communist country. Southern people disagree. Their believes made the conflicts. Many conflicts are caused such as between capitalism and communism, dictatorship and democracy, capitalism and socialism , communism and socialism.
         We all are lived in the same world together. People are in the different ethnicities and different believes. If there is a lot of conflicts, we cannot find the peace in the world. So, we need to understand between another different people. We should avoid conflict between one another.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Needs and Wants

            How do you think about 'needs' and 'wants'? Many people define 'needs and wants' in many ways. In my view, the things that is necessary for our daily life is our needs and do everything due to fill wants of needs. In the Cambridge dictionary, 'needs' is defined as 'the things that a person must have in order to have a satisfactory life' and 'wants' is as 'lack of something' . There are many kind of needs – physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging.
            Physiological needs can effect negatively on the behaviour and feeling. Many crimes come from lack of physiological needs. People need foods, clothes, money, homes and so on. They do anything for their needs whether it is good or evil thing. They even kill each other. We can see clearly that there are more crimes in developing country rather than developed country. It means lack of physiological needs force the poor to do more crimes. Moreover, people can depress and get stress. Heavy depression make people suicide. The children who are from the poor family feel dejected and become unsuccessful life when they adult. We must carry out for the poor to fulfil their physiological needs.
            Safety needs consists of both psychological and physical needs. We need to safe in body, employment, property, resources, family and health. They provide mentally and physically for our lives. Steady jobs solve the problems of physiological needs and satisfy people. They feel they are in the secure if they have enough money. They contribute money to savings account. People move to safer neighbourhood to feel safe. We study in the Singapore which is better and safer than our country because it is motivated by safety needs. Health is the most important thing. Poor health cause stress and disadvantages of the body. Many people have got happiness from their family and it gives strength for them. It support people mentally and physically.
            Feeling in the love and belonging is the nature of human beings. For example, the young children want attention from their parents. So, if the parents neglect them and doing their work, the kids do to cancel their parents' work such as by crying. Many teenagers want attentions from the opposite sex. The old people are very satisfied when the younger pay attentions and take care them. Everyone likes loved from the others. This type of need is founded in all age groups because it is innate desire of human beings.
            These needs are categorized by “Maslow's hierarchy of needs”. Physiological needs and safety needs are basic fundamental needs of human. They might have negative impact on emotion and behaviour. Therefore, these two needs have to be satisfied.

Wednesday 3 August 2011


            Success means victory and achievement which is result of our effort. People want success as the possessing of fame and fortune. Some people want success in their professions while many people want to achieve financially success. We cannot achieve success easily. we can say people as successful if they achieve their aims , they have enough money for the basic requirements of life and they have healthy life.
            To achieve our goals ,we need hard working. It help us to develop our abilities to the maximum and strive for excellent in our fields. If we work harder, it is 90% sure to reach goals. For example, Thomas Edison , one of the great inventors who invented many things including electric bulb, always spends most of his time in the laboratory and always try to invent new things. So, if we want success, we need to hard work.
           We need money to live in our daily life. We need to eat for our body, need to rent home for life. We cannot live without money. Many people want to buy luxury. They assume that too much money is success. But it is wrong because money is not the most important part of life. There is many things that are more important than money. However, money is needed when we sick, we eat and we buy basic requirement things for life.
            Good health is one kind of wealth. It is impossible to get pleasure and happiness without good health. Some people do hard in their work and they get a lot of money but they do not know what is happiness due to their health problem. Health problem also affect to their family. It give depression to patients. So, no healthy life means no real success.
             Achieving in our goals, owning enough money and having good health is the important majors of success. Without these three things, our life is not successful. Therefore, people should have these three conditions to own real success.